Manure Magic

Is the easy to use, low cost pit treatment product that we recommend and trust. Its patented technology reduces or eliminates all the major problems associated with manure pits.


Eliminates crusting

Simple effective treatment to break up crust that has formed on the top of the pit. It also prevents the crust from coming back

After treatment with Manure Magic

Reduces Solids Formation

Easier, more consistent pump-outs by keeping solids from settling on the bottom of the pit

Helps to reclaim pit capacity by breaking down heavy solids accumulations that have previously occured

ManureMagic field trial compared two identical lagoons at 7-million ManureMagic field trial compared two identical lagoons at 7-million gallon capacity at a major hog production company for a 4-month period. The biological process remained active after the end of the trial, with a drastic drop in sludge levels over 9 months after the last dose of product was added—this despite more solids being flushed into the lagoon on a weekly basis.

Only one annual treatment

Manure Magic has to be only applied to swine deep pits once per year. Only annual treatment applied after fall manure pumping last until the next manure pumping

Reduces Manure Odor

ManureMagic reduces hydrogen sulfide and odors up to 40% and 50% respectively, according to a Purdue University study. It helps keep neighbors happy throughout the year even when manure is being spread in the fields.